Search found 1563 matches

by Fumbles
Sun 29 Nov 2020, 4:06 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: 1/32 KittyHawk F-5F
Replies: 2
Views: 4903

1/32 KittyHawk F-5F

Good day everyone, Thankfully 2020 is almost over! But 2020 has allowed me to build a few kits. I have Trumpeter's 1/32 F-14 on the table now and should be done soon. But I did build this kit for a friend at NAS Key West and hope to be able to visit him in 2021 to pass it over. KittyHawk's 1/32 F-5F...
by Fumbles
Mon 23 Nov 2020, 1:22 am
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: Hobbyboss 1/48 F-84F
Replies: 12
Views: 5807

Re: Hobbyboss 1/48 F-84F

What a line up! Very nice builds all of them, not just the Thunder Birds but over the last almost year. I don't get a chance to log in and comment much but I do see them and they are getting better and better all the time.
by Fumbles
Mon 23 Nov 2020, 1:20 am
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: Sierra Hotel Alpha Romeo (Sea Harrier FRS1)
Replies: 6
Views: 4662

Re: Sierra Hotel Alpha Romeo (Sea Harrier FRS1)

Very nice Build! Excellent finish with the paint and decals.
by Fumbles
Mon 23 Nov 2020, 1:17 am
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: Revell 1/72 Panavia Tornado IDS
Replies: 2
Views: 4096

Re: Revell 1/72 Panavia Tornado IDS

Geez 22 builds in a year! I've been in quarantine 3 times now and still have only done 3 kits. Almost done Trumpeters 1/32 Tomcat. Nice work as usual.
by Fumbles
Mon 18 May 2020, 2:37 am
Forum: Aviation Waffle
Topic: Snowbirds incident
Replies: 4
Views: 2572

Re: Snowbirds incident

Sadly the crew member who passed today was Jenn Cassey, Jenn was the also the public affairs officer for the 2018 CF-18 demo team. The very friendly person who kept a lot of people on here up to date on the Mach Loop pass. She was one of the best PAOs I've ever worked with. RIP Jenn.
by Fumbles
Sun 03 May 2020, 6:40 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: Lockdown build 2.. 1/48 KittyHawk SU-34
Replies: 6
Views: 1790

Lockdown build 2.. 1/48 KittyHawk SU-34

Hello all Build number 2 during the COVID shutdown. This time the KittyHawk 1/48 SU-24 Fullback. I fell in love with this aircraft the first time I saw it at MAKS 2017. I always wanted a 1/48 scale kit of it but the HobbyBoss copy was way out of my price range for a 1/48. As I gave up hope, KittyHaw...
by Fumbles
Sun 03 May 2020, 6:36 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: Sptifire V - after some time!
Replies: 2
Views: 1261

Re: Sptifire V - after some time!

haha 25 years.. I've got the Cutty Sark started about 30 years ago and it's still sitting at around 80% done. I know what it is like to shelf a kit for a long time. Good to see you get around and finish it off. :up:
by Fumbles
Sun 03 May 2020, 6:34 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: Lock down mega build Week 6 Finished!
Replies: 30
Views: 6229

Re: Lock down mega build Week 4 update

Great work on the two seater Lighting cockpit! The photo etch that small would have drove me nuts and probably binned. The Vega I can only imagine being about the size of £5 coin at 1/72 :wink: So for the amount of detail I can just say wow! Looking forward as usual to seeing how the Victor finishes...
by Fumbles
Sun 03 May 2020, 6:29 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: 1/72 Airfix Lightning F2A
Replies: 13
Views: 2938

Re: 1/72 Airfix Lightning F2A

Just going to say it. Probably your best finished kit so far! Very well done.
by Fumbles
Sun 03 May 2020, 6:28 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: Academy 1/72 Vought F-8P Crusader
Replies: 6
Views: 1666

Re: Academy 1/72 Vought F-8P Crusader

Lovely finish of one of my favorite jets.
by Fumbles
Sun 03 May 2020, 6:27 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: Lockdown Build thread
Replies: 26
Views: 9221

Re: Lockdown Build thread

Wow you have quiet the list of kits to build. You and a few others that build these 1/72 kits. I admire, I'm having a hard time with 1/48s.
by Fumbles
Sun 03 May 2020, 6:25 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: At home build One. 1/48 RF-4E
Replies: 7
Views: 2061

Re: At home build One. 1/48 RF-4E

Many thanks for the views and comments you all. :up:
by Fumbles
Sun 26 Apr 2020, 6:45 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: At home build One. 1/48 RF-4E
Replies: 7
Views: 2061

At home build One. 1/48 RF-4E

Good day everyone... It sure has been a while since I've worked on any model kits. But this Virus shutdown has allowed me to get through some of my stash. Who knows.... If there is enough time I just may get through the whole bit! lol not a chance. So for my first completed kit in almost a year. I p...
by Fumbles
Thu 27 Feb 2020, 5:21 pm
Forum: Royal International Air Tattoo
Topic: RIAT 2020 - CANCELLED
Replies: 1085
Views: 225607

Re: RIAT 2020

Airshowhammer wrote:Fingers crossed for some Superbugs from the US navy :smile:

Hmm not sure I'd like to see a Superbug at RIAT.... :shock:
Imagesuperbug by Rod McDonough, on Flickr
by Fumbles
Mon 30 Dec 2019, 11:23 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: KittyHawk 1/48 Jaguar T.2
Replies: 7
Views: 2717

Re: KittyHawk 1/48 Jaguar T.2

Excellent build! I have always wondered about this kit. Kittyhawk being such hit and miss and not just in the instructions either.
by Fumbles
Mon 30 Dec 2019, 11:22 pm
Forum: Aircraft Modelling
Topic: Wissam's Christmas Modelling Marathon
Replies: 31
Views: 8638

Re: Wissam's Christmas Modelling Marathon

Wow! going full bore on the stash! Good to see and great to hear that you bought an airbrush. Once you get used to it, you'll never go back.
by Fumbles
Mon 30 Dec 2019, 11:15 pm
Forum: Modern Military Photos
Topic: My 2019 in review, large post.
Replies: 8
Views: 3562

My 2019 in review, large post.

Hello everyone, Merry Christmas and happy New Year! It sure has been a while since I've been able to post any photos. I really couldn't edit anything on a dying computer. It actually took about 1.5 hours for each RAW file. Just dumping 40gigs worth from card to PC would take 30+hours. So i really co...
by Fumbles
Sat 17 Aug 2019, 3:47 pm
Forum: Worldwide Events
Topic: MAKS 2019
Replies: 217
Views: 114082

Re: MAKS 2019

Sultan of Wings From my experience in 2017 you are not really close to the aircraft near the river. Close enough but not so close that you could get away with 70mm an under. Just an example.. I shot this with a Sigma 50-500mm EXIF shows I shot it at 360mm and this is also a small crop. In reallity l...
by Fumbles
Wed 14 Aug 2019, 3:24 am
Forum: North American Events
Topic: Aviation Nation '19- 16th & 17th November
Replies: 37
Views: 26288

Re: Aviation Nation '19- 16th & 17th November

Hey, so i'm looking at making this my first ever abroad show as we have a vegas office. So can do 1 week for the show and 1 week working out there. Because I have never been abroad before outside of Europe, do I need a visa? • Is there a shuttle bus to the show and where from? • In the time i'm the...
by Fumbles
Wed 14 Aug 2019, 3:10 am
Forum: Worldwide Events
Topic: MAKS 2019
Replies: 217
Views: 114082

Re: MAKS 2019

I like the idea of the media platform but having seen a picture it looks a bit small. Wondering if it gets crowded and ends up in the Russian equivalent of a bun fight? AV Yes it is quite small, but can fit a large number of people. The problem as you would have seen about the stand it that is just...
by Fumbles
Sat 10 Aug 2019, 4:40 pm
Forum: Aviation Waffle
Topic: Interesting Internet
Replies: 3550
Views: 1199988

Re: Interesting Internet

You can't make this up.. We actually have people setting up camp on the Helipads here... :lol: ... ry-hikers/
by Fumbles
Sun 28 Jul 2019, 8:03 pm
Forum: Worldwide Events
Topic: MAKS 2019
Replies: 217
Views: 114082

Re: MAKS 2019

As another question for previous attendees, is it worth it to bring a scanner or not really since most of the chatter would probably be in Russian? Personally I wouldn't' bring a scanner.. It'll be a useful as a paperweight as the comms will mostly be in Russian unless they have a Foreign visiting ...
by Fumbles
Mon 01 Jul 2019, 10:03 pm
Forum: Worldwide Events
Topic: MAKS 2019
Replies: 217
Views: 114082

Re: MAKS 2019

I'd say at least an hour walk.. as there really is no direct way to the field without cutting through some dense forest and farmer fields. If the police enforce the area. I'd bet walkers would be allowed. It was the cars parked in front of peoples houses they and the locals were having a problem with.
by Fumbles
Mon 01 Jul 2019, 7:34 pm
Forum: Worldwide Events
Topic: MAKS 2019
Replies: 217
Views: 114082

Re: MAKS 2019

I had spotted a church not too far away from there on Google Maps. The church name is St. Michael the Archangel. Should be accessible by some form of public transport or other. I think getting to the red line is quite feasible on foot from the church. I will not have a car. I will just have to figu...
by Fumbles
Sun 09 Dec 2018, 8:56 pm
Forum: Worldwide Events
Topic: MAKS 2019
Replies: 217
Views: 114082

Re: MAKS 2019 Roll Call

Sadly that happened last MAKS. They made the announcement if I remember right, 3 months before the show. That resulted in us having to reapply for a duel entry VISA and in Canadian Funds... was around $650 ! After having that problem again it was a clash with Army show, I'll wait till April or May, ...